Monday, July 31, 2006


A night’s sleep rejuvenates the body for the next day. Early morning you wake up to read the paper. The fresh-as-coffee mind & heart reads of murders, wrong doings, and everything that is not correct. You start to work with these thoughts.

At work, your colleagues or managers, there will be someone who’ll point out something wrong you did. They never have time to tell something good that you have done. Dejected you are!

You come back home after a tiresome and thankless day. Your family starts pouring in their miseries. You have not done this, why did you forget to get the things of the list I mentioned, etc.

You are no different! You give back the same to your parents, to your spouse, to your kids and friends and neighbors.

In office, we have post mortem meetings most of which talks about what went wrong and how to avoid it. After some debate of wrong-doings some time is given to talk about the good, in a hurry. Though they get documented very few people get back to it for future reference.

Why do we think always of negative things? Why don’t we develop appreciation characteristics? Are we immune to see positive side of life?

I think we see the positive side of life only when we are in dire consequences or when it comes totally as a pleasant surprise.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Seasons of life

Nature has a constant change.

Rain comes as a boon not only to the vegetation but also to the people after the hot summer. Tiny drops of water collectively make wonders that all our senses relish.

The smell of mud after the first rain of the season takes you to a mystic world of peace! - an act of cleansing the soul?

It cleans the vegetation of the dust they have been carrying through the other seasons. The rain continuously leases life to the worn out vegetation. The color of prosperity not only is soothing to eyes but also a retreat to the worn out mind.

Come winter, the vegetation has grown sufficiently well. The atmosphere has enough moisture. The freshness of cool breeze coming from the plants and trees around can never match the latest technology ACs.

Slowly, the plants start shredding their grown leaves. Aging is painful. Dark, gloomy, muted environment – apt time for introspection? The trees which were radiating prosperity now look empty with only the trunk and barks. A show of solidarity to carry-on majestically through thick and thin!

The nightingale announces the start of spring with its beautiful voice. A pleasant and cheerful environment around that everyone will look forward to. Neither too cold nor very hot.

Colorful flowers blooming and butterflies flying around, birds chirping and children playing! A dream that every human dreams of, once in lifetime – time for fun and reaching out to people!

One season, kind-of dreaded by most in the tropical region! The life perspires and is at the mercy of the Sun god. The backbone of our life can be excruciating! It reminds of tough times in ones’ life.

Each and every season has its own benefits. And the disadvantages we think of each season are essential elements for the cycle.

Humans try to overcome these disadvantages to the maximum unlike other living organisms.

Most of the living organisms try and modify themselves for the “constant” changes of the environment. And humans modify everything around them except themselves! Soon, there will be a day when the humans will not have any immunity.

Seasons add life to the monotonous existence. Each one of the season signifies the lessons and the stages of life.

We, the intelligent of all the animals on the earth, see the seasons physically. These seasons never happen mentally. Our mind does not grow or change “constantly” according to the seasons. Good or bad, we are trained like that.

Don’t you think that the mind & heart need these seasons? A season for cleansing & growing, one for introspecting, another for enjoying and the fourth for with-standing the atrocities we have made for ourselves.

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Serene World!

The Uneducated Educated

Recently, I have been seeing many incidents where the so called professionals have been behaving worse than the uneducated. A few samples go below:

1. Our company arranges shuttle facilities to reach its different offices in the town at designated times. People never form a queue. Men always come last minute and will be the first to get into the bus. Women employees are left helpless because they are over-powered physically. Why can't people form queue?

2. Employees had been waiting to submit details to the Tax Consultant. As usual, Tax Consultant came half an hour late. The moment they were in, people pounced on them to be the first to submit their details. Reminded of the beasts fighting for their food in the forest. Why can't we form a queue? The answer came in a little while. Arguments gave way to some sort of queue.

People who stood in the queue awaited their turn while some employees (mostly women) tried testing the patience. Couple of them got their work done and escaped. When people in the queue objected, we got answers from the queue-breakers' to have patience! People who lack the discipline preach patience to others! I was ashamed to see the so called professionals! Fish market it was! No exaggeration!

Why can't we show some decent discipline? This is what we teach our kids - discipline.

3. The bus driver was playing initially was playing english songs and then switched to local language songs. People who boast of self-respect, professionalism, pounced on the driver for performing an act of cruelty! How could they bare it?

The driver said "We will have 50-50. I have already played english songs for a while. Wait for 10 minutes, I will switch it back."

How would people lose their lessons of respect to others? Poor fellow was asked to switch back immediately. Lessons of respect-to-fellow men! We are decent you see!

The moment I think of the egoistic, un-disciplined, "refusing to understand other's view" professionals I feel the uneducated are far better!

Have you seen this beautiful face of professionals? Why don't you share it with me!

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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Trailer! :)

I am desparate to share my views about "The Uneducated Educated". Time doesn't permit me to do it now. Satisfying myself with this one-liner!

A few more

One more comes here!

Let the pictures speak for themselves...

For a change! :)