Friday, September 08, 2006

Thinking - Positive and Negative

People have a lot of mental blocks. "I think, I can't ..." is where it starts.
Why do we have such a mental block when we want to try something new?

My belief is that "Things work out the way you Think". You think positive, the results will be positive. You think negative, and the results turn sour. Thinking positively or negatively will have to be coupled with hard work desired.

Being positive, doesn't mean that everything will work out as you expect without the necessary accessories like hardwork, thinking, attitude etc. Also, it doesn't mean that you wil be able to the impossible overnight. What I mean is that positive thinking attitude leads a man to think about positive outcomes!

But, coming to the testing teams - they are trained to look for errors(negative). Anything they see first is about something that doesn't work! This also is requried.

But how much and where all? That's where you will have to draw a line.

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