Monday, April 03, 2006

Technical Vs People Management

In my previous blog I had mentioned about the desired qualities of a manager and the deficiences. Going forward on the same topic, my observations have been a little painful on this topic.

There's a conception that a person who's a techie will not be a good people manager and a good people manager can't be a techie.

If you have a manager who's a techie but not good at communication or people management, he's excused blissfully as though it's a norm.

If you have a manager who's good at management but not a good techie, he's laughed at and most often the source for poor jokes.

I am sure you would have observed what my eyes have caught? Can't a person be good at both people management and technical know-how? People management can be acquired as much as technical knowledge. Then why's the disparity?


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